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Video Submission Terms

Version 1.1, 6th June 2018

We encourage you to submit video, images, sounds or live stream. But please don’t do anything horrible, rude or illegal. More specifically, please don’t post or upload anything that:

  • Is inappropriate (abusive, offensive or disruptive)
  • Contains personal information (either your own or someone else’s)
  • Puts children at risk
  • Is illegal, or glamorizes illegal activity
  • Is defamatory (damaging to someone else’s reputation)
  • Is in contempt of court (anything that could affect the outcome of a court case)
  • Infringes anyone’s rights (including privacy rights)
  • Was made by someone else, or that copies someone else’s creation
  • Is posted for your financial gain (advertising, sponsorship etc.)
  • Isn’t in English (unless we’ve asked you to comment in another language)
  • Contains spam (unless you’re commenting on a story about reconstituted meat)
  • Contains links to content that can’t be seen easily, or may be unsafe (viruses, spyware, paywalls etc.)

Please ensure that:

  • You own the copyright if whatever you post or upload is completely new and original. That usually means it doesn’t contain anyone else’s content, like videos and music.
  • For anything that contains content made by someone else, the copyright may belong to them. So you’ll usually need to get their permission before sharing it with Swann.

BY SUBMITTING THE VIDEO, IMAGES, SOUNDS AND/OR LIVE-STREAM (COLLECTIVELY, “VIDEO CONTENT”) YOU ARE ABOUT TO SUBMIT, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (“SUBMISSION TERMS”). These Submission Terms are incorporated into, and subject to, our Terms of Service. To the extent that these Submission Terms conflict with our Terms of Service, these Submission Terms will prevail.

By submitting the Video Content you hereby grant Swann Communications PTY Ltd. (“Swann”) and its assignees, licensees, successors in interest, legal representatives and heirs a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, sub-licensable, transferable, royalty-free, and fully paid-up right and license to use, copy, adapt, modify, distribute, transmit, stream, broadcast, publicly perform, reference, store, cache, license, sell, transfer and otherwise exploit (including through its distribution channels) the Video Content for promotional and marketing purposes. You hereby waive (A) to the extent permissible under relevant laws, any moral rights in the Video Content and (B) any right to inspect or approve the Video Content or printed or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with such content now or in the future and you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the Video Content. You also grant Swann the right to use your first name, last initial, and city of residence in connection with the Video Content, although Swann will have no obligation to use your name or credit you in any way in its use of the Video Content.

You hereby make all warranties, representations and guarantees with respect to the Video Content that you make with respect to Content as defined in the Terms of Service, including but not limited to a representation and warranty that the Video Content does not infringe or violate the intellectual property rights or proprietary rights, rights of publicity or privacy, or other rights of any third party. In addition, you represent and warrant that you (1) have received and will maintain the necessary consents, permissions and approvals from the owner(s) of any premises where the camera will be used and (2) will receive and maintain the necessary consents, permissions and approvals from anyone who appears in or is heard in any of your Video Content, including without limitation (i) permission for their image and/or voice to appear in that Video Content and (ii) permission for that Video Content to be submitted to us pursuant to these Submission Terms and the license above. By clicking I Agree, you represent and warrant that you have full power and authority to agree to these Submission Terms, including without limitation the power and authority to grant all rights and licenses relating to the Video Content. It is at the discretion of Swann to decide whether and how to use the Video Content. Swann claims no ownership of your Video Content.

If you have any questions regarding the use of your Video Content, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].