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Home » 6 Things You Can Do With Your Smart Video Doorbell

6 Things You Can Do With Your Smart Video Doorbell

Smart video doorbell security tips

Last Updated on 11 January 2023

If you’ve considered adding smart home security technology to your home this year, one of the easiest places to start is your front door. A smart video doorbell is a versatile and affordable security device is one of the most popular home security upgrades. It’s like a traditional doorbell but when a guest arrives you can be alerted and respond via your smartphone.Smart video doorbell security tipsSmart video doorbells have become a popular addition for people wanting easy yet smart security at their doorway. A built-in security camera with video capabilities and two-way communication makes this DIY security device a no brainer. They’re more than just a doorbell. Here are a few ways a smart video doorbell can help make your life easier.

#1. Answer your Door from Anywhere
One of the best features of a smart video doorbell is the two-way audio so you can answer your door from anywhere! As with an ordinary doorbell, the smart video doorbell will chime when the button is pushed, but simultaneously send an alert to your smartphone. You can view live video of your front door to see who is at your door and converse with the person. If you miss the notification, you can still view the footage later to see who was at the door.

This is important because burglary studies found that most burglars will ring the doorbell first to see if someone is home.[1] If you can answer the door and create the appearance you’re home, chances are they’ll move on.

#2. Prevent Crime: Catch a Package Thief or Would-be Intruder in the Act
Most smart doorbells have built-in motion or heat sensors that will trigger video recording anytime someone appears at the door. Using your smart video doorbell, you can keep an eye on your front door and porch area, which is the entry point for most break-ins. Although you may not be able to stop someone from stealing your package, you’ll have video footage of the porch pirate which can be used to help your local police department ID the thief.

The video clips that are taken by your camera are stored on your system for you to pull from should an incident occur. (Recording storage and the associated costs vary by company. Pro tip: Check the fine print before purchasing your smart video doorbell. Swann provides free 30-day recording with no subscription or additional fees).

#3. Confirm Your Packages Were Delivered
With motion or heat activated sensors, you’ll receive a notification as soon as the delivery person approaches your door. Finally, you’ll be able to see if and when your packages were delivered. With the two-way audio, you can speak to the delivery person and ask them to hide the package or deliver it to your neighbor, thereby reducing the chances your package will be stolen.

Smart Video Doorbell security tips_family#4. Keep An Eye on Your Family
Your smart video doorbell is a great way to know your kids are home safely. You’ll know when they arrive or leave, as well as who they are with, giving you added peace of mind. As kids like to have fun, they may even leave you a video message!

#5. Keep An Eye on Your Home
If you have cleaners or other people coming to your home routinely, you could use your smart video doorbell to know who’s coming and going. Whether it’s the nanny, housekeeper, dog walker, or anyone else, you can be notified and see when they enter and leave to make sure everything at your home is running according to plan and no uninvited guests join them.

#6. Change Your Doorbell Chime
You’re in control of how your doorbell sounds and can choose from multiple tunes. Best of all, you can easily change your doorbell chime. Note, your smart video doorbells may come with a separate chime unit which allows you to set the chime, so you don’t have to rely on your smartphone to know a guest has arrived.

A smart video doorbell is much more than just a doorbell with a camera. It’s a powerful security system that can be easily installed and keep your home safer. After all, home security starts at the front door.

[1] Understanding
Offender’s Perspective